
Nark II Presumptive Narcotics Test Pouches

Nark II has the capability of presumptively identifying several families of substances suspected of being drugs. Each test pouch is comprised of one or more chemical reagents. Suspected narcotics are placed into the pouch and then gently squeezed to crush glass vials, releasing the chemical reagent. When a predictable colour or series of colours occur within a specific testing sequence, a positive confirmation may be presumed. A forensic laboratory is then required to qualitatively identify an unknown substance before a positive identification can be made. Nark II kits are DOJ approved. For use by fully trained law enforcement professionals only.


NARK20034 - NARK II Hemp/CBD Screening Test

NARK2005 -   NARK II Duquenois-Levine Reagent (Marijuana/Hashish Hash-Oil/THC)

NARK20023 - NARK II Synthetic Cannabinoid Reagent

NARK20020 - NARK II KN Reagent (Marijuana green plant and seeds)

NARK20033NARK II Fentanyl Reagent

NARK20011 - NARK II Meckes Modified Reagent (All Heroin)

NARK20032 - NARK II Mollies Reagent

NARK20029 - NARK II 2-C Synthetics Reagent

NARK20024 - NARK II MDPV Bath Salts Reagent

NARK20025NARK II Mephedrone Bath Salts Reagent 

NARK20026 - NARK II a-PVP Bath Salts Reagent

NARK20030NARK II Psilocybin/Psilocin Mushrooms Reagent

NARK2001   - NARK II Marquis Reagent (Opium Alkaloids)

NARK20031NARK II Liebermann Reagent

NARK2002   - NARK II Nitric Acid Reagent (Heroin/Morphine)

NARK2003   - NARK II Dille-Koppanyi Reagent (Barbiturates)

NARK2004   - NARK II Ehrlichs Modified Reagent (LSD)

NARK2006   - NARK II Acid Neutralizer - 1 oz. bottle

NARK2007  -  NARK II Scott Reagent modified (Cocaine Salts/ Base)

NARK2008  -  NARK II Methadone Reagent

NARK2009  -  NARK II PCP Methaqualone Reagent

NARK20010NARK II Special Opiates Reagent (Heroin/Oxycodone)

NARK20012NARK II Frohdes Reagent

NARK20013NARK II Ephedrine Pseudoephedrine Reagent 

NARK20014 - NARK II Valium Rohypnol Ketamine Reagent

NARK20015 - NARK II Methamphetamine/MDMA Reagent

NARK20019NARK II Mayers Reagent (Narcotic Alkaloids)